Gaia Herbs& Acupuncture Practice is committed to protecting your privacy online.

We collect email addresses when you choose to sign up for our newsletter.

On some parts of this site, we may ask you to register, and if you do, we ask for your name, email address, geographical address and other personal information. We use the information provided by you to understand more how our website is used, to improve our site and to send you information about us and our services and products, which we think may be of interest to you, unless you inform us that do not wish to receive further information. We do not sell your personal information to others.

Some of our products and services may be hosted by third parties but we agree with those third parties that they will keep your information secure and not use it for other purposes.

We have a number of links to other people’s web sites. If you link to their sites, they may collect information. Such sites are not within our control and are not covered by our privacy statement.

If we believe that your use of the site is unlawful or damaging to others, we reserve the right to disclose the information we have obtained through the site about you to the extent that is necessary to prevent, remedy or take action in relation to such conduct.